Walking through the isle of the supermarket can sometimes feel like our journey through life. So many choices! You might say to yourself "should I be good and buy the healthy cereal or.....go for the Captain Crunch?" I'm sure you all are sitting in front of the safety of your computers thinking "Der! The healthy cereal!" But what happens when you are actually in the isle? What happens when your best friend isn't there to hit your hand when you go for the Count Chocula? What then?..... You go to God. God is the strength to do the right thing even when you don't have it yourself. God is the one that helps you load your shopping cart with good things that will help you through life instead of hinder you.....But first you gotta empty the cart of all the old stuff. You have to submit yourself to him and accept him....And once you have...you will begin to see what I see. See how God is everywhere! I tell you it's like that scene in Interview with the Vampire when Brad Pitt awakens after being bit for the first time and Tom Cruise says "Now look with your new vampire eyes"....Ha! I kid you not. The stronger your relationship is with God the more he will reveal himself to you. And when you find him, you also find you.
So well put and brilliant. God is everywhere but its only until we choose to open our eyes and look for him do we ever really notice.